Ching Pow: Far East Yardies, is a comedy, which utilizes remixed Kung-Fu film with audio provided by popular Jamaican comedy team Twin of Twins.
Ching Pow: Far East Yardies, is a comedy, which utilizes remixed Kung-Fu film with audio provided by popular Jamaican comedy team Twin of Twins.
Cult Kung Fu film, Ninja Death parts One, Two and Three, has been edited to create one film: ‘Ching Pow: Far East Yardies.’
Ching Pow is a work of pulp art which seeks to poke fun at Jamaican dancehall culture and the political atmosphere in Jamaica in a manner typical to the Twin of Twins’ audio compilations. Like the Twins’ famous audio skits, the movie combines comedy, political satire, music and social commentary. This film answers an expressed desire by fans to see the Twin of Twins take their comedy to the next level through creation of a full length movie as opposed to short comedy sketches. Ching Pow: Far East Yardies” is RAW and Hilarious!