Popular Book Series “Star Boy” Debuts As Short Animated Film
Jamaica born author Tilsa Wright has translated her popular “Star Boy” book series into a short animated film with the help of St.Catherine, Jamaica based young animator Stephen Williamson.
Stephen who won 4th place at Jamaica’s very first animation conference back in June 2013, saw Tilsa’s vision and rendered an award worthy 10 minutes short film which stars “Star Boy” main character Tania Watson-Lane, voiced by internationally known actress and blogger Carla Moore. The amazing score features Grass roots singers Jane Macgizmo with “Black Skin” and “Trouble Maker” by N.Payne.
“Star Boy” author Tilsa Wright stated “Star Boy animation has been a year of highs and low. At the end it truly melts my heart to see the unison of young Jamaican talent. Key person I would love to benefit from this project is Stephen Williamson, to help build and highlight his portfolio and small business. Second my girl with a heart of pure gold, Jane Macgizmo, her Erykah Badu sound is exceptionally different coming from the land of Reggae and Dancehall, she has even caught the attention of billboard contributing writer Patricia Meschino. “BlackSkin” is just plain out right perfect. To the production team and other actors I deeply thank you and continued blessing”
The “Star Boy” series are available on Amazon and Kindle.
About The Author Tilsa Wright
Jamaican born now living in Brooklyn New York, Tilsa Cecile Wright has truly come into her own. Stepping away from challenges and uncertainties, Wright has positioned herself among who she loves and boldly represents the ‘Grass Roots’. A phrase she uses affectionately as she relates to the sea of talented individuals waiting and working hard for that ‘Big Break’.
With an incomplete College background, Wright has established herself as a self-published author and the publisher of Sym-Magazine an online platform. Sym is short for symbolic, features up and coming talents as well as celebrities. “I created this platform as a mean to be similar to American Idol but in a print version”.
Her vision is slowly growing and reaching Sym’s targeted audience. For starters Sym has featured young talented undiscovered Harlem actor Ohene Cornelius, and media mogul Russell Simmons’s oldest brother, painter, community activist and author Danny Simmons. Danny just happens to be a staple in Brooklyn and a voice that sounds and truly supports the arts. Sym last printed edition back in November/December 2012 cover featured Jamaica’s rising star and household brand Christopher Martin.
Now let’s move a step further to Wright’s second passion or appetite for continued success, her self-published books. Related Affairs and Star Boy book series; of the two books Star Boy is presently a huge success. Star Boy is a featured product placement in a British-Jamaican webseries titled ‘Dear Jesus’ season 2. Star Boy explores relationship drama and family values. Wright books are available on Amazon and Kindle.
Wright’s is very respectful and most importantly grateful for those individuals who have helped her on this symbolic journey.